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What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on style of bodywork that employs light-touch manipulations to adjust and mobilize bones of the cranium and spine; and release restrictions in connective tissue throughout the body.  Light-touch means 5-20 grams of pressure or traction in manual therapy techniques.

Typical effects include an immediate decrease in pain, improvement in function, increase in mental clarity, relief from effects of stress, and a profound sense of inner peace. 


Appropriate for all ages (my youngest client was 45 minutes old at the time), see how this gentle bodywork can help YOU feel so much better IN your body!


Hello, Emily here, I hope you’re doing well. Am currently enjoying a sabbatical from active practice. After years of advising clients and friends to make time for rest, I’m taking this advice to heart by enjoying my first extended break in 21 years of practice. I plan to rest, focus on self-care, and participate in virtual projects like study groups and mentoring. 

When the time comes to start scheduling appointments again, I will update this page. For clients who have seen me in 2022 or 2023, I’ll reach out to you directly. It may be weeks or months, as I did not assign a deadline.

 For a short list of CranioSacral referrals in Chicago or Milwaukee, click these links:

Chicago Referrals

Milwaukee Referrals

For a list of resources, click this link.


To all of you, thank you for trusting me with your health and wellness. It’s been an honor and a privilege to hold space for your healing, whether I saw you once, or many times.  I am grateful for all that I’ve learned, about health, healing, pain, recovery, trauma, and gratitude.

I wish you continued health, wellness, and peace.

Yours in Healing,

Emily Klik LMT CST

Some of the issues I've addressed and relieved with CranioSacral Therapy: 

* Migraines

* Headaches, triggered by stress or weather

* Pressure in eyes, ears, sinuses 

* Long COVID: symptoms may include respiratory issues, headache, fatigue, GI issues, loss of smell/ taste, neurological issues, cognitive issues, neuropathy, etc.

* Stress/ anxiety

* Concussion, recent or long term symptoms

* Brain fog / concentration issues

* Neck/back pain

* Dizziness/ vertigo/ equilibrium issues

* Sinus problems and facial pain (acute or chronic, face and ears)

* TMJ issues, pain, clicking, range of motion

* Sacroiliac / sciatic pain

* Physical trauma from accidents (car, bike, falls etc)

* Sprains/ strains

* Post surgical dysfunction and pain

* Pre-surgical preparation for soft tissue

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